Thank you to Ron Marx and Welcome to Joe Glover

July 1, 2024

 July 1, 2024, 10:30 a.m.  

Dear Students and Colleagues,

As we begin the new fiscal year, I am writing to note an important leadership transition taking place today, as we welcome Dr. Joseph Glover as our new Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost and thank Dr. Ronald Marx for serving admirably in that role on an interim basis. 

Thank you to Provost Marx 

Those of you who have worked with Provost Marx this year or during his time as Dean of the College of Education know that he is a fantastic leader and colleague. We have benefitted from his strong partnerships with faculty and staff, commitment to our students, and deep ties in our community, all of which have enabled a long record of advancing the University of Arizona’s academic mission. He is extraordinarily well respected, and I have enjoyed our partnership immensely.

This past year has presented significant challenges, but we have also made significant progress, thanks in large part to Ron’s experience and his contributions to the U of A community. Ron, thank you. I know that I am one among many who wish you the very best as you begin a well-earned retirement. 

Welcome to Provost Joseph Glover 

I also want to again welcome Provost Glover, who begins with us today. As I shared in my announcement of Dr. Glover’s selection as our new provost, he comes with a wealth of experience in key areas for the U of A’s future, having held this role at the University of Florida for 15 years after enjoying a remarkable and impactful faculty career.

As I noted in April, Provost Glover is uniquely qualified to advance the University of Arizona’s mission while addressing the challenges we face as an institution, and he will play a critical role in setting the foundations for our future as a premier public, land-grant research university. I know he is looking forward to getting to know our faculty and staff and to engaging our students as he joins our community. Thank you in advance for giving him a warm Wildcat welcome now and as the academic year begins in a few short weeks.  


Robert C. Robbins, M.D.

The University of Arizona

This email was sent to: all students, faculty, staff, and DCCs.