Feb. 21 Sessions: Recognizing and Responding to Concerning or Threatening Behavior

Feb. 6, 2023

Dear Students and Colleagues,

As part of our comprehensive strategy for campus safety, in January we contracted Dr. Gene Deisinger of Deisinger Consulting, LLC to advise us on threat assessment best practices.

In addition to consulting with our Threat Assessment Management Team (TAMT) and senior leaders as part of the comprehensive review, we have asked Dr. Deisinger to provide educational opportunities to our entire campus community as part of our ongoing commitment to best practices. He will visit our campus in mid-February, and all staff, faculty, students, and DCCs are invited to register for and attend one of three available sessions:

Recognizing and Responding to
Concerning or Threatening Behaviors 

Tuesday, Feb. 21
Sessions at 9-9:50 a.m, 10-10:50 a.m, and 11-11:50 a.m.

Crowder Hall, Fred Fox School of Music
Live Captioning Provided
Register to Attend

These sessions will help participants to:

  • Recognize concerning or threatening behaviors
  • Learn how to communicate and share concerns
  • Understand the University of Arizona threat assessment and management processes to identify, assess, and manage concerning situations

Dr. Deisinger specializes in operational psychology, behavioral threat assessment and management services, and organizational development. He is currently serving on TAMT as a consultant and will provide ongoing guidance and expertise in this capacity. If you are not able to attend in person, a recorded version will be available on the TAMT website at a later date.

As we continue to implement best practices for improving the health and safety of our campus community, I welcome your participation in these sessions.


Robert C. Robbins, M.D.

The University of Arizona

This email was sent to: all students, faculty, staff, and DCCs.